Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Gillings family

The Gillings family, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.

This has got to be my most favorite time of the year to take pictures...when there are so many colors everywhere! I love it and I loved taking this family's pictures! Their two children where perfect, little models right from the beginning! It blew my socks off! Ha! Thanks Gillings for playing in the leaves with me!

October leaves, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.

John and Meg, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.

Sparkler, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.

Making Mom laugh, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.

The Ham, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.

By the barn door, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.

Ashley, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.

On the mossy steps, originally uploaded by Casey McDaniel.